Assigning tasks to content creators and editors on Narrato is easy. Tasks can be assigned to a single team member or multiple members at once. You can also assign multiple tasks to a team member at one go. You can also assign tasks directly from the content calendar or Kanban board.

How to assign tasks on Narrato

You can assign tasks to team members at various stages - during content tasks creation, from the content task page, or from the all content page.

Assigning tasks when creating a new content item

If you want to assign a new content task being created to a writer/content creator immediately, here are the steps to follow.

  • Go to the relevant Project and Folder and click on the 'Create New Item' button.
  • Select content. After filling in the Topic for your new content item, click on 'Add details'.
  • Here you can add the word count, due date, style guides, etc. In the 'Assign to' tab, type in the registered email id or name of the content creator.
  • Click on Create Content and the new content item assigned to the right content creator will become available within the folder.

Assigning tasks from the content task page

If you haven't already assigned a task to a team member while creating the item, you can do it from the content task page itself. This is particularly helpful if the content has to undergo several stages of writing, editing, and approval. You can assign the tasks to writers, editors, and quality control teams at each stage respectively. 

Here are the steps to follow.

  • Go to the content task page.
  • On the left menu beside the editor, go to the 'Task' tab and click on 'Assignees'.
  • In the pop-up that appears, type in the names or email ids of the concerned team members.
  • If you are assigning the task to a content creator, you can also choose to automatically update the task status from 'New item' to 'Drafting'.
  • Click on Ok to save the changes.

Assigning multiple content tasks to a team member

To assign more than one content task to a team member(s), you will need to work from the all content page or the relevant folder.

The steps are as follows.

  • Go to the respective Project and choose the All Content view.
  • Once all the content items are visible, select the content items to assign and go to the 'Actions' dropdown.
  • Select 'Assign Task', add the names/emails of the respective team members, and save.

You can also unassign tasks from all assignees using the Actions menu.

Once you have assigned a task to a team member or freelance content creator, they receive a notification both via email and in their Narrato inbox.

Assigning tasks through content calendar/Kanban board

Tasks can be directly assigned to team members from the content calendar or Kanban board under a particular project. to learn how to assign tasks directly from these project management tools, refer to -

Content Calendar