This guide will take you through some of the key points to consider when connecting your social accounts with Narrato Workspace and publishing posts from Narrato to social media.

Social accounts connection

When connecting your Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn accounts with your Narrato Workspace, follow the directions below:

  1. Make sure you have the owner or administrator access for the accounts/pages you are trying to connect. Facebook and Instagram personal accounts are not supported.

  2. For Instagram accounts -

    • Personal accounts are not supported.

    • Only business/creator accounts are supported.

    • The business/creator account must be linked to a Facebook page. Here's a guide on how to link your Instagram account to your Facebook page - Connect or disconnect an Instagram account and your Page

    • After you have connected your Instagram account to your Facebook page, log in to your Facebook account to select the Instagram account.

  3. Token expiry and re-authorization

    • All connected account tokens will expire in 60 days from the date of connection.

    • You will be notified about token expiry through email and asked to re-authorize.

    • Account re-authorization is required to seamlessly continue publishing content

  4. Social account is already linked

    • If you are seeing this message - ”XYZ user has already linked the social account you are trying to connect” - it means another user has already connected the social account with your Narrato Workspace. You can either contact the user to remove/connect accounts or contact Narrato support for assistance.

Post publishing

1. Failed to publish

Post publishing could fail due to various reasons:

Token expired or revoked

  • When an account’s token is expired or revoked, all scheduled posts will fail to publish and you will be notified through email. The scheduled posts will continue to fail until the accounts are re-authorized.

  • Every connected account’s token will expire in 60 days from the day of connection.

  • The user has to re-authorize the connected account to continue publishing posts.

  • Also, the user has to re-authorize the connected account in case it has been revoked.

  • Re-authorization can be done from the publishing tab on your workspace settings page.

Post guidelines


  • Allowed max char limits are:
  • Instagram - 2200

  • Facebook - 6000

  • LinkedIn - 3000


  • Allowed maximum number of images limits are:
  • Instagram -  10

  • Facebook - 20

  • LinkedIn - 20

  • Allowed maximum size limits are:
  • Instagram -  8 MB

  • Facebook - 10 MB

  • Linkedin - 12 MB

  • Allowed dimensions:
  • Instagram 

    • Image aspect ratio must be within 4:5 to 1.91:1 range

  • Facebook - any

  • LinkedIn - Image pixels should be under 36152320


  • Instagram

    • Story

      • Aspect ratio - Between 0.1:1 and 10:1.

      • Size - Max 30 MB.

      • Duration - Between 3 and 60 seconds.

    • Post

      • Aspect ratio - Between 4:5 to 1.91:1 range.

      • Size - Max 30 MB.

      • Width - Less than or equal to 1920.

      • Frame rate - Between 23-60 FPS.

  • Facebook

    • Size - Max 30 MB.

  • LinkedIn

    • Size - Between  75 KB and 30 MB.


  • Allowed document types are 'ppt', 'pptx', 'doc', 'docx', 'pdf'.

  • Documents are supported only for LinkedIn