You can generate long blog articles directly from SEO content briefs on Narrato. This feature allows you to generate blog posts from reference URLs and documents too. The AI writer analyzes the content in the URLs or the documents that you input and creates fresh, unique content based on it.

Here's how you can generate blog articles directly from SEO briefs.

Generate SEO content briefs and optimize the brief

The first step is to generate an SEO content brief for your topic. You can click on Generate SEO brief on the left menu on the content editor, enter your topic and generate.

Once generated, the SEO brief must be reviewed and enhanced. Make sure you have all the right keywords, questions to answer, and relevant, high-quality reference links. Optimizing the SEO brief is essential, to get the best output from the AI writer.

Next, click on the "Generate Content With AI" button on the S E O brief. You will have two options here. 

Option 1: Generate long blog article

The first option is to generate a long blog article, that will generate the article based on the topic and the keywords in the brief.

Choose if you want to use the questions from the brief and click on "Continue" to generate an outline.

Review the keywords and outline and make any changes as you see fit. 

Make sure that the outline covers all the questions or sub-topics you want to discuss so that the generated article is rich and valuable. Then click on Generate and your article will be ready within seconds.

The AI-generated article is completely optimized as per the SEO brief and has a high SEO score.

Option 2: Generate long blog article from URLs or documents

To generate long blog articles from URLs or documents, select the option

Choose if you want to use questions from the brief and click on Continue.

Then, choose whether you want to generate the article from reference URLs or documents.

You also have the option to pick reference URLs from the brief or to provide your own.

Select the reference URLs that the AI can use to craft the content and click on Generate outline.

Edit and improve the outline to align with your objectives and generate the article.

Your SEO blog article will be ready in a couple of minutes complete with image recommendations, SEO metadata, and a social media post.

Here's a quick video to show the step-by-step process in action.