You can take bulk actions on items in your workspace on Narrato using the Actions menu. Bulk actions can be taken on -

Content items

To take bulk actions on content items, you will need to go to the relevant folder or navigate to the 'All Content' view under a project. Select the content items you want to take action on and click on the 'Actions' dropdown. The bulk actions you can take on a content item are shown in the image below:


You can copy or delete multiple templates at once from the Actions menu. Select the templates and choose the action you want to take from the Actions dropdown. 

Copy refers to copying/adding the selected templates to other projects in your workspace.

Style guides/ SEO content briefs

For style guides and SEO content briefs, there is only one bulk action you can take currently - deleting multiple items at once.


Bulk actions can be taken on the Team tab as well. However, bulk actions available depend on the user roles and not all actions apply to all user roles. Here are the bulk actions you can take for team members in each user role -

  • Content creator/ Editor/ Admin  - Edit Role, Deactivate, Delete
  • Project Manager/ Client - Add to Projects, Edit Role, Deactivate, Delete
  • Pending invites - Edit Role, Resend Invite, Copy Invite Link, Delete

Freelancer payments

Bulk actions can be taken on freelancer Payment Reports. You can multiple freelancer tasks paid at once and download multiple payment reports as well.


You can also mark multiple messages as Read/Unread in your messages tab.