Narrato allows you to collaborate on content tasks without having to leave the platform. The on-content comments and messaging features can be used to gather inputs and feedback from editorial teams, clients, or other stakeholders in a content project.

How to use comments for on-task collaboration

Your team members, clients, or any other stakeholder with comment access to a content task can leave comments on the content. 

To add comments to the content, navigate to the content task. Select the text you want to comment on, and on the toolbar above the content editor, click on the 'Comment' icon.

Type in your inputs and click on 'Comment' to post the comment. 

You can also add @mentions in your comments. 

How does @mentions in comments work

@Mentions are particularly useful if there are several stakeholders collaborating on a content task. You can also give "comment" or "edit" access to users who do not have access to the content while @mentioning.

Type in your comment with the @mention. You can choose a user from the dropdown menu showing all the team members in your workspace. Or simply type in the name/email of the team member you want to mention.


If the user does not already have access to the content, a pop-up asking for permission will appear. Choose between "comment" or "edit" access, and submit the comment. 


The user tagged in the comment will receive a notification via email too.

How to use messaging for on-task collaboration

Team members, clients or stakeholders added to your workspace can also send messages on a content task. To send a message to the assignees, go to the 'Messages' tab on the left menu of your workspace. 

The Messages tab also lists all notifications such as new tasks assigned to you, new comments added to a task you are assigned to, daily updates, and so on.

Click on 'Compose' to open the message composer. Add recipients (names/emails of team members), subject, and type in your message. You may also add the project you are referring to and the specific content tasks. Attachments are allowed as well. Click on Send.

Messages can be sent from a content task page too. For this, go to the left menu next to the editor and click on the 'Message' tab.

If the task is already assigned to someone, the assignees will automatically be added to the recipients' list. You can remove or add recipients to the list as necessary. Follow the remaining steps as mentioned above and send the message.

You can see all messages sent and received on a task in a conversational format on the 'Message' tab on the task page. This allows you to keep track of the conversation and collaborate smoothly.