Kanban boards are a project management tool available on Narrato, similar to content calendars. The Kanban board lets you visually keep track of your content task statuses. You can also create and assign new content tasks from the Kanban board.

How to use the Kanban board

The Kanban board is available within each project in your workspace. It is available at the top of the page, right next to the content calendar.

When you enter the Kanban board view, you will find all your content items under the project sorted under separate columns based on their workflow status.

There are separate columns for New Item, Drafting, In-review, Sent to Client, Complete and Published.

Creating and assigning new tasks on the Kanban board

To create a new content item and assign it to your team members directly from the Kanban board, click on the 'New Content' button above the board. 

Select the folder under which you need to add the new content item, and click on 'Add Content'.

Enter the details such as topic, word count, due date, etc. You can also assign the task to content creators/editors at this stage by typing in the name/email. 

Finally, click on 'Create Content' to add the new content item to the respective folder.

Modifying items on the Kanban board

Tasks that are already present on the Kanban board can also be assigned to team members directly. If there are no assignees, click on '+ Assignee' on the content item and enter the name/email of the team member. 

If team members are already assigned to the tasks, you can modify this by clicking on the names. add or delete assignees as required from the list.

You can delete content items from the Kanban board and change due dates by clicking on the date and making changes as necessary.